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Your journey to new destinations and horizons: Value driven business transformation & SAP® consulting

Bridge Business Operating Model Value Flow IT 430x225Design and implement innovations - reduce costs - accelerate projects - optimize business processes - achieve business success

"The only constant is change." This wisdom, once attributed to the Greek philosoph Heraclitus around 500 BC, is more true today than ever before.

Digitization is changing business models and established market structures. The digital transformation of business models is a key challenge for companies of almost all sizes and industries. New technologies offer opportunities, but also risks.

Fact is: Only a few companies get the balancing act between operational implementation and innovation over a longer period of time. Companies usually specialize in the efficient implementation of a given business model

We help companies to create the prerequsites and structures so that they can both: efficiently implement existing business models and sustainably master innovations.

Often companies are trying to succeed by focusing solely on investments and projects for technology and applications. This would not be sufficient, as supporting business models, processes and organizational structures are missing.  Existing reporting structures are often not flexible enough. They do not reflect the value effects of the operational activities and changes in the market. Corresponding measures can not be initiated in time.

As interface between operations, accounting and IT we help to align different perspectives, experiences, knowledge and interests and to develop the best solution for your business. We support process- and business integration cross organization and applications and implement flexible reporting structures. The unlderlying value flows in accounting and controlling correspond with the processes of the operational processes and show the the value-related effects of your business model on the market in a realistic manner. 

Thus will deliver the relevant figures that reflect the market succeess of your business model and indicators which show you the need of future business improvements and which provide information for reliable management decissions by making the value effect of your business decissions transparent.  You will be prepared for the future and are ready to discover and track critical issues precisely to keep your company on the road to success.

Our consulting services:

  • Improve the steering capabilities for your supply chain and sales processes
  • Develp flexible business and financial steering models
  • Advice on processes and procedures in financial and management accounting
  • Coaching & Training 

Our key for successful business transformations is our process centric consulting framework. It provides the methodology, supporting tools and the knowledge framework to accelerate business transformation projects. It integrates all aspects for successful business changes. 

Based on the business strategy and market needs, we help you to identify the business needs and to design innovativ solutions. We help you to transform validated innovations into successful busines model.  We support to optimize existing business processes and to translate business models into flexbile business architectures. In collaboration with your experts, key players and management team we develop solutions that relate and integrate people, processes, organization, applications, technologies, data and knowledge, and allow new or changed processes, organizational structures and applications to be quickly and easily integrated. At the same time, we strive to develop prototypes, mock-up or simulations at an early stage in order to obtain early feedback from target groups and to establish a better understanding between users and project teams.

Our consulting services:

  • Help to identify business needs and to create innovative solutions
  • Consulting for process integration and business architectures, feasibility studies & software comparsions
  • Support on the development of the business transformation blue print (including transformation strategy & planning)
  • Project management
  • Coaching & Training

According to the the business architecture as an outcome of the preparation for the business transformation, the detailed solutions are developed, tested, trained and implemented. Prototypes  created during the first phase, can now be refined with the help of key users and completed to production readiness and commissioning. Project results are documented accordingly. This will be important to succesfully run and optimize your processes after deployment. We help you to set up a company-wide knowledge management framework which will help you to optimize your processes after deployment and setup an effecttive process and application management which weill also lead to accelerated future transformation projects.

Our consulting services:

We support you in monitoring, improving, adapting, and supporting your previously implemented solutions.

Our consulting services:

  • Assist in the design and implementation of effective instruments and procedures for process- and knowledge-management
  • Hyper Care & support consulting
  • Consulting on the design and implementation of ongoing improvements
  • Redesign of non-performant solutions.
  • Support at release changes.
  • Coaching & Training